Gregg Thomas talks on and off the water tips

We asked Gregg Thomas with Battle The Beast Guide Service  (1) What is something you do off the water to help catch more fish? and (2) When your on the water and not contacting muskies what is 1 change you'll make. Below you'll the answers to these questions. 

(1) Off the water preparation can be very important.  Making lure alterations can be key to putting more fish in the boat.  Adding weight, taking weight out, reshafting spinners or even repairing broken lips all needs to completed off the water.  I mess with my baits a lot and after hours is the time for me to do that.  One thing that I do is add insert weights  to my crankbaits and jerkbaits.  By adding weights to lures it is a way to get a certain action deeper where the fish haven’t seen it before.  An example would be adding weights to twitch baits.  Normally these lures only go down 2 to 4 feet by adding weight you can get these lures to depths in areas where this type of action my not have been seen before.

(2) If I am not contacting fish there are number of things to try.  The one go to for me is changing depths. With the electrics that are available now fishing deeper and shallower water is even easier.  Depending on conditions making depth adjustments can be the key to boating more fish.  If you are experiencing a heat wave or long periods of high pressure moving the boat out and fishing a cast length off the structure may pay off.  If the area that you are fishing is a known “Good Area” and no fish are moving then moving off can be key.  If it is a strong cold front or low light situation. Going shallower can be good.  A sudden drop in water temperature either from a cold front or shade created by sun angle will trigger shallow water migrations.  Both of these migrations are something to consider when on the water.

August 26, 2017 19 tags (show)