Phil Schweik talks on and off the water tips

We asked Phil Schweik with Hooksetters Guide Service  (1) What is something you do off the water to help catch more fish? and (2) When your on the water and not contacting muskies what is 1 change you'll make. Below you'll the answers to these questions. 

 #1 I work with several other tournament anglers and the guides that are on our Hooksetters staff and we share information as to what is working and what is not working to help each other become more successful when we are on the water. We share information as to what lures or baits are working, locations where we are catching fish, water temperature,  current flow rate, water level, and other different conditions that are pertinent to us catching fish. I also read a lot. 😄

#2. My first adjustment if I am not catching fish is changing locations . I'm a firm believer in the fact that the fish are always biting somewhere, you just have to find them. Secondly would be changing my presentation

August 26, 2017 16 tags (show)